Debit And Credit Card Abuse
Have You Been Charged With Debit or Credit Abuse in Denton, Cooke, or Wise County?
Credit/debit card abuse usually occurs when an individual has stolen a credit card or debit card, has stolen the card numbers, has used someone else’s credit or debit card without permission or has used the credit/debit card numbers without permission in online purchases. Even accepting something from an individual using a stolen credit or debit card can result in criminal charges.
Texas treats credit card and debit card abuse as a state jail felony, carrying a punishment of 180 days to 2 years in jail and/or a fine of up to $10,000. If the accused as a prior conviction or if the victim was elderly, the crime can be escalated to a felony. The last thing you should do is take these charges lightly as a conviction can severely hamper your ability to do the things you want to do for the rest of your life.
How Charges of Credit/Debit Card Abuse Can Be Charged in Texas
If the state’s attorneys believe that you have violated the relevant subsections of the Texas Penal Code relevant to debit/credit card abuse and fraud, they will file the appropriate charges against you. These will be filed like other similar criminal charges.
The best thing you can do is reach out to a qualified Credit and Debit Card Abuse Defense Attorney like Henry C. Paine, Jr who is Board Certified in Criminal Defense By The State of Texas. If you are in the Denton area and someone you or a loved one is currently facing credit or debit card charges, give our office a call at 940-382-4200 or fill out the form on this page.

The Different Kinds of Credit/Debit Card Abuse According to Texas State Law
There are numerous variations of the charges you could face in a court of law in the state of Texas for criminal activity defined as debit and/or credit card abuse. For the most part, this is when someone uses a card that doesn’t belong to them to purchase goods or services or obtain some other kind of benefit.
One key thing to keep in mind is that there doesn’t have to be an actual physical card involved for there to be a crime. Using a stolen credit card number over the internet will result in the same charges as if the physical card was stolen. Using fake information or a fake card number is also against the law. The various fraud related charges include, but are not limited to:
- Obtaining fraudulent benefits by using a card without permission/knowledge. It doesn’t matter if the card in question has been expired, never issued, revoked, or cancelled.
- Using a fictitious name or identity on a credit card to attempt to obtain benefits fraudulently.
- Obtaining any benefits from a credit or debit card that are known to be in violation.
- Stealing or taking a debit/credit card without knowledge. This includes receiving a credit card from another party or selling it to a third party.
- Purchasing the credit or debit card from a person known to not be the issuer of the card or selling a card without being the issuer.
- Using a company credit card in a manner that you have not been given permission to use it.
- Using a card obtained fraudulently to obtain goods or services from a merchant or vendor
- Defrauding an issuer with the intent to use a debit/credit card to obtain goods and services under false pretenses or after failing to provide goods or services.
- Lying on any application for a credit or debit card in order to obtain benefits fraudulently.
Penalties for Credit and/or Debit Card Abuse in Texas
These offenses will be tried in the state of Texas as either state jail felonies except in cases where the offense is shown to be against someone who is elderly, in which case it becomes a third-degree felony.
- State Jail Felonies are typically punishable by 6 months – 2 years in jail and a fine.
- Third-degree felonies are punishable by 2 – 10 years in prison.
Contact an Experienced Denton Defense Lawyer
If you have been accused of any fraud crime including debit/credit card abuse or forgery, contact a defense attorney immediately. The severity of the charges depend on a variety of circumstances and can be complicating and confusing. Henry C. Paine, Jr. knows Texas fraud laws and can help you understand the charges and build a solid defense to fight them. We will aggressively fight to achieve the best possible outcome for you.
Contact our office today for a free private phone or in office consultation with a Board Certified Criminal Defense Attorney. We serve clients in Denton, Cooke, Wise, and the surrounding area.